好一陣子沒有做老大喜歡的奶黃包了, 冰箱裡的囤貨早就枯槁, 而老大也不只一次點名要吃奶黃包, 所以只好捲起衣袖爲家人捏包子去.
每次做包子我一定會包至少兩種餡料, 所以這一次除了包奶黃的, 還包了這個敏豆菜肉餡. 因為家裡沒高麗菜了, 外面又是天寒地凍的, 真的不想只為了一顆高麗菜出門,所以從孟老師的中式麵食裡找來了這個敏豆餡。其實家裡也沒有敏豆,倒是有冷凍的,懶人我就將冷凍的豆子直接拿來用,也省了燙煮的過程。
家人喜歡吃包子, 我更愛包包子. 只是我不是很聰明, 沒辦法舉一反三, 所以做來做去都只是那幾個餡料, 不外乎高麗菜、玉米或酸白菜, 而這一次做的敏豆則是頭一次嘗試. 孟老師的書裡還有好幾樣不同的餡料, 只是我們這裡要什麼沒什麼, 有些材料很難取得, 還好家人對這方面要求不多.反觀甜餡方面, 那就更簡單了: 孩子們喜歡奶黃的, 先生則喜歡紅豆的.
我喜歡做包子, 因為麵糰不用顧慮最後溫度, 也不用揉到有薄膜的狀態, 只要將所有的材料丟進麵包機裡, 按個鈕幾分鐘後麵糰就揉好了. 做包子有這麼多優點, 但還是有缺點的, 那就是我一次只能蒸八個, 不能像麵包般一次可以烤十幾個.
自己做的手工包子絕對勝過店裡賣的冷凍包子, 吃過我的包子的人, 不論老中、老美或日本人沒有不喜歡的, 只是有人喜歡的是皮有人喜歡是的餡. 不過不管是喜歡的是餡還是皮, 很少人能resist我這白白胖胖的包子喔:-)
Wow!!! so beautiful. I should thank you for sharing. I have been watching your blog for 3 years. specially your article about KitchenAid and Hobart. because of that, I just got a hobart from e-bay. No as good as yours but it is enough for our family. Mainly, to fullfil my baking drean. thanks again. I do not have a blog. I dont consider myself capable maintaining one. but I do enjoy all the blogs and their sharing.
ReplyDeleteThanks again.
SS from Davis, CA
Thank you for your praise of comment. I definitely appreciate this kind of encouragement. It is time consuming to maintain a blog. I was thinking about quiting blogging years ago, but just never put it through. However, it's so good to know there is one more friend who likes my blog, especially has been following my blog for almost 3 years. Many many thanks to you:-)
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think I was too crazy to buy a commercial mixer for home baking, but on the other hand it saves me a lot of time and hard labor. So, I think it's worthy to own a mixer like that if you consider yourself a serious home baker and try to offer your family the best from the kitchen. So, welcome to the crazy mom baking club^^.
Indeed, "THE" crazy mom baking club
ReplyDeletefor one loft of bread need to wait until middle of the night. wanted to show someone how beautiful one pineapple bun came out.
its all worth the time and effort.
keep up with your blog.
thanks again
I love to bake but sometimes make mistakes which I learn a lot from. Of course they are painful lessons. When I'm tired especially late at the night I tend to make more mistakes than during the day time. So, I try not to bake too late at night. Beside this reason no body will be able to enjoy the fresh baked goods which just came out for the oven because they are already in sleep. The 3rd reason is I'm too old to stay up to bake:-) So, enjoy your Hobart and good luck for baking.
ReplyDelete我想應該是green beans。
ReplyDelete謝謝伱。對不起,因為我blog的留言版有些問題(我也好久沒有check我的blog了),直到今天才看到你的留言。建議你去看我的另一篇post: http://fatcat888.blogspot.com/2009/11/to-dd-video.html
Delete包包子沒有trick,只要多包幾回,就能熟能生巧。Good luck。