

說實在的我不是很喜歡熱狗. 正確說法是對所有加工肉品都不太喜歡. 偏偏家中除我以外. 其他的人都愛這些肉品. 其實我不是不喜歡他們的味道. 而是一想到當中的添加物. 很本能的拒絕食用. 只是我的用心良苦. 變成家人的偏食. 只願意吃少少我認可且辛苦製作的健康食物. 眼見他們瘦的瘦. 小的小. 是家中採買掌櫃的我也只好妥協. 偶爾讓他們過過癮打打牙祭. 而我也可以有個break. 不用三餐都是made from scratch.

熱狗麵包是我打3000g宵種胚芽麵團時. 除了做4條12兩土司外. 所剩下來的麵團做的. 以往都是用375度烤12分鐘. 這一次用400度烤11分鐘. 中間掉轉一次. 烤出來的顏色好多了. 最重要的是麵包裡面還是一樣柔軟濕潤. 把麵包中間橫的切開. 夾上水煮熱狗. 再加上番茄醬. 再小的小孩也可以吃上兩個喔!

50g麵團大小剛好. 但是這次買的熱狗不是bun size的. 所以照片上看起來麵包是有一點太長.

我覺得用80g麵團做成的hamber bun對我家而言有一點太大. 所以我都是做70g麵團的大小. 這一次做了9個hamburger buns. 現在都被我放到地下室的冷凍櫃去. 週末懶得料理三餐時. 解凍一下牛絞肉做成patties. 再用grill煎熟. 夾一夾就是很好吃的hambers了.


  1. Same here. I am the only person who do not like hot dog in my family. Sometimes, it will backfire if we stick to the principle of health. I still buy junk snack food. I normally buy organic hot dogs with no nitrate from Costco. I am sure that Trader Joes's or Whole Foods also carry them at a much higher price. That is my give-in to hot dogs. My family memeber are both skinny people as if they never got good food to eat!! Sometimes, it is 體質 I don't worry about it. You only have to worry about overweight people now.

  2. To: Christina
    What kind of meats are in those hot dogs? My hubsand loves beef frankfurters.
    My kids are too picky. They are not going to be tall with bad genes from us. But I still want them to be able to grow taller than us.:-) Thanks for visiting my blog and leaveing me a comment.

  3. It is beef. Although I don' quite like beef franks, but they are genuine beef franks. I normally make them into hot dog buns. They are quite tasty according to them. I also buy lunchmeat with no nitrate. Yesterday I also found Maple Leaf brand Canadian bacon(it is actually ham not bacon) without nitrate from Costco. The price from Costco is very good.
