After my first bread class at Zingerman's I'm hooked on. I want to take more classes! Zingerman's offers varieties of baking classes. The classes I'm interested in are bread making, of course. As a main person at the kitchen of our house I want to give my family as healthy food as possible. Because of this reason I picked "Wholely Whole Grain Breads" this time.
The class I took was in January. (Wow, it took me more than 6 months to finish this post.) As usual, it started with the introduction of bread making basics. The picture shows the 8 very important steps before starting to knead the bread dough. I never follow all 8 steps. That's probably why I always made some mistakes. It is a good habit to follow all these steps because it helps to make perfect loaves of breads every time:)
We made 3 breads within 4 hours. Is that incredible? Thanks to our very skillful and knowledgeable assistant, Kyle. He helped us to accomplish this impossible task.
Look at this tight schedule. It did help us to finish 3 yummy breads in 4 hours. I'm wondering that I'm capable to duplicate the same schedule to finish all 3 breads at my kitchen. It is mission impossible!
The first bread was country wheat bread. It was 100% whole wheat bread made with mashed potatoes. The texture was very soft and moist. After tasted it, no one believed it's a 100% whole wheat bread.

This bread is very good for sandwiches. Or, just like JA toasted it, and put some yummy homemade apple butter on it. It tasted just like in heaven. I promise that you will not regret to make your sandwiches with this bread.
This bread dough was very wet and sticky. It resembled as a cookie dough to me. However, it turned out the nicest bread I ever had.
This bread didn't use any bit of white flour same as the first bread. It was made of oatmeal, whole wheat and whole rye flour. Not like most of whole grain bread, it's texture was just a little bit dense but very moist. It had the kind of texture I love.
The last but not least one was multigrain bread. The multigrain we used was Zingerman's famous 7 grain mix. It contains cracked wheat, cracked rye, cracked barley, cracked corn,millet, steel-cut oats and flex seed. The mix is very versatile. I used it to make my no knead multigrain whole wheat bread, and the flavor just melt into bread very well.

I really enjoyed the class this time just like the previous one. Nevertheless, I want to take some more! Hopefully, I can squeeze some time to pursue my dream of making bread.
P.S. Just registered another class, "Fabulous French Baguettes". I was thinking about this class for a long time. There is no more excuse when the tuition is 20% off right now. I'm looking forward to having fun again especially working so hard recently at work. I definitely need a "bread" break.
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