我很少做油炸的食物. 一來熱量高. 二來炸剩下的那一鍋油. 真的不知如何處理. 留下來炒菜也要炒好一陣子. 第三個原因是每次油炸東西. 油總是會濺的到處都是. 但是先生和孩子偏偏很喜歡炸的東西. 炸豬排. 炸雞塊. 薯條常常來者不拒. 每次去速食店. 總是會叫一份薯條. 看他們大人小孩搶薯條吃的模樣. 就忍不住發噱. 所以我一直在search不用炸的薯條. 以前也試過一些食譜. 但都不怎麼樣. 最近去看醫生在waiting room等的時後. 順手翻翻二月號的Cooking Light. 發現了這個薯條做法. 很特別的地方是食譜是用熱水泡馬鈴薯(只要10分鐘). 而不是用大量水洗掉澱粉質. 回到家後我就迫不及待試一試. 結果跟炸的薯條吃起來相差無幾. 我沒有特意去量所有的材料. 就只是隨意倒一些油. 足夠coating所有的馬鈴薯. 鹽也是大概大概. 但原食譜的烘烤時間不對. 450度烤45分鐘太久了. 難怪會被評3顆星(out of 5)而已. 我是將處理好的馬鈴薯條一條一條放在烤架上. 用我的古董convection/microwave oven 450度烤25分鐘.
我們這裡的馬鈴薯有秤重賣的. 也有賣一袋5磅或10磅裝的. 在特價時一袋10磅的馬鈴薯不到三塊錢. 貪心的我當然買一袋回家. 只是除了咖哩料理. 馬鈴薯燒肉和羅宋湯以外. 用到馬鈴薯的機會並不大. 所以一大袋的馬鈴薯常常被我放到發芽丟掉. 現在有這一薯條做法. 我終於用掉一大袋馬鈴薯. 不用再浪費丟掉. 其實馬鈴薯有很多種用法. 以後有機會再post. 若朋友有其他的idea. 歡迎您來建議.
My husband loves potato. I normally just cut into strips and pan-fry in a cast-iron pot with a cover. After 10 minutes, it is crispy outside and soft inside. He is having this for dinner tonight. I only use modertate oil. Cast-iron is very good for this. Same here, I don't fry French fries at home. This ia an alternative to it. He is also happy eating it.
To: Christina
ReplyDeleteSounds yummy and easy. I only have enameled cast-iron pan/pots. Will they work the same way as regular cast-iron pot? Thank you for your suggestion.
To: dd
我孤陋寡聞不知道什麼是牧羊人派. 所以上網查了一下. 可是眾說紛紜. 有的說是羊肉. 有的說用牛肉. 您有什麼好的食譜嗎? 謝謝您的建議.
I haven't tried using LC pot. You can give it a try. I have those good old American Lodgelogic cast-iron skillet, quite useful cooking this. It browns beautifully.
To: Christina
ReplyDeleteI only have an old Lodge Logic grill pan. I think I better try with the enameled cast-iron pan instead of the grill pan when I'm going to cook the way you suggested. And I will let you know the result. Thank you so much.
To dd:
ReplyDelete不好意思. 還讓您專文介紹. 我現在就過去看看. 謝謝嘞!