
Grandma's Pancakes

孩子們喜歡吃pancakes當早餐. 老大喜歡空口吃. 老二則喜歡沾著楓糖漿吃. 各有各的風味. 這個pancakes不用一般的牛奶. 用的是buttermilk. 我一直是用沒有加味的優格來取代. 做出來的pancakes柔軟可口. 比一般用鮮奶做的好吃. 食譜是從一本繪圖本Hey, Pancakes!來的. 是一本有趣. 很值得一看的兒童書. 食譜如下:

1 egg , 1¼ C buttermilk , 2 T veg oil , 1¼ C flour , 1 T sugar , 1 t bp , ½ t bs, ½ t salt, butter for frying
1. In a medium-sized bowl, suing a fork, mix together flour, sugar, bp, bs, and salt.
2. In a small bowl, beat the egg with the buttermilk and veg oil.
3. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients. Stir gently until just blended (the batter will be lumpy).
4. Heat a pan and add a little butter. When the butter sizzles, pour a few spoonfuls of batter into the pan.
5. When the top of the pancake is bubbly, flip it! Fry the other side until the pancake is cooked all the way through (just a minute or so).
6. Serve immediately with your favorite topping.

吃剩的pancakes可以等冷了以後. 用保鮮膜或臘紙一個一個隔開. 放進zipper bag冷凍起來. 要吃的時候. 再用小烤箱熱一下. 就可以享受熱騰騰的pancakes了!

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